Thursday, April 19, 2007

là où est le de Bohème

What is remaining of the Bohemian lifestyle has gone Underground, thanks to English Colonialism.

In India before the occupation of the British, dancers, musicians, artists, writers were treated with respect and majestic royalty, but after the British came tradition changed and now it is believed that these things are associated with prostitutes and whores. Naturally, and sex is seen as something as dirty. But remember the days of the Rajas and Ranees, in India, (Ranee means Queen, Raja King), when they ruled the land long before the Brits came over the Kama Sutra was being studied across the land. India was a land of jewels and beauty and love and art and all things Boheme. Now they get mad when an American actor kisses an Indian actress on the cheek. Yes, all repurcusions of the white man wanting Indian riches.

This leads me to think about our society here today in America- the land of gold and honey supposedly, where people across the country commute in their cars, or by train an average of 90 minutes a day to get to a 9 to 5 job, where they sit behind a computer and figure out numbers for 8 hours a day, only to end the day in traffic for another 45 minutes before getting home just in time to watch Desperate Housewives and fall asleep just to do it all over again. There is no art, no creativity, no relaxing, it is a prison. This society is a prison. We are imprisoned by our desire for material success, big house, nice car, etc at what cost a long ass drive to a job we hate. NO THANKS.

Then there are the ones who live on the fringe of society. The artists, the dancers, the lovers, the bohemians, musicians, artists, poets, etc.... who get slammed in the face of structure everyday because we do not have the big house, the great job in the sky with the corporate account, and perhaps we have lovers and we stay out late late late, and we smoke and drink and draw to our hearts content. la boheme. we indulge in our right brain. we ignore the head that which tells us to follow the grain. and yes, then we're ostracized outright. This is not a bohemian society. This is prison. I tell you.

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