Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fashion VS Style

You are born with style. Fashion is trends and name brands. And you can look hot WITHOUT spending a lot of money. Does everyone know this? Out of necesisity in my 20's I had to bargain hunt for hot looks, discount basements and thrifts stores were were I spent most of my free shopping time. The deal winner: Individual style, I knew that what I was buying was off the rack, and therefor far less likely that someone would own the same thing. It has now become a way of life for me.

It's a rhetorical question. Because I know people who are broke, who dress sloppily because they "can't afford it" supposedly, and/or on the other spectrum, or maybe it's the other side of the same coin I also know "name brand whores" who well, will buy something off the rack, ready to wear, at an overprice, because they can, or even if they can't afford it, because they do not have time to spend on themselves nor creativity to dress themselves. BUT, I know broke people, (and I know a lot of 'em!) that could care less about name brands, know their style, know their body and always look HOT without being trendy, and name-branded. AND, the best part is these peeps would never even think of buying a $600 chanel bag even if they had the money. THAT IS WHAT STYLE IS ABOUT. But, now-a-days I admit I do it too, once in a while. I like designer jeans, because they fit me better than a cheap pair, and becaus I love denim, and like jeans I can fall asleep in...., or I buy nice name brand sexy bras (which is a complete other topic,) because a well fitted bra can make a huge difference (and no Victoria Secret is not a name brand, they are a conglomerate consumer marketed for fancy footed and fickle teenagers, because they look cute, but don't really do anything for the figure, and fall apart all too soon. If you're interested I can tell you more, some great name brand lingerie is Felina, and Natori.) So for me it's beautiful sexy bras and tough rugged jeans. BUT, if you can't afford it then don't sweat it, I say. Developing your style is an art, (think of yourself as a pallette) and bargain hunting is often a time consuming skill, but it an be done cheap and easy. You have to decide. An hour, maybe on your lunch break, a couple times a month, honing thrift stores is a lot cheaper that lunching at Barneys after buying ONE $400 blouse that you took off a rack where 5 other EXACT replicas of the same blouse remained on the rack for others to buy. $400- and you run the risk of other people owning it. Think personal style- not something you can buy off a rack. But you need to spend some time on it, on yourself, because after all it's YOUR LOOK, your persona, your characther, your art project, and often your first impression and more. And once you get good at it, it becomes FAST and low maintenece. READ: NEO-Nazi Feminists who cannot be bothered with make-up and/or clothes, who believe that clothes are for the male world- there is the low maintenence side to style, but it's an art. CREATIVITY is the soul of life. ARE YOU READY TO EMBRACE IT?

1) Know your body type- are you short? tall? thin? stocky? Find the styles that accentuate your positive aspects and that you like. Wearing something because it accentuates your height, but is not your style will make you look and feel uncomfortable. And wearing something that you love on the hanger, or that everyone else is wearing, but that doesn't fit your body type will also make you feel uncomfortable. And be realistic, if you've put on weight, don't be shy about buying a larger size, a better fit will make you look and feel better. Weight is arbitrary. Think about the sexy pin up girls, voluptuos, sexy, and full & happy.

2) Have a specific style- THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. Because if you don't have a keynote style then you will fall prey to trends. Having a style means you will find pieces, some pieces every season, but not an entirely new wardrobe where old pieces don't match your look anymore (i.e "that is so last season" is a pretentious saying that only the designer whores follow, but remember that the actual designers always stick to their keynote style, "last season" only applies to people who follow fashion trends not the ones who create them.) For example, are you a jeans and t-shirts kind of girl (yes, like me), but you love jackets, scarves and boots? You can dress up your outfit with a denim skirt and jacket with boots for going out, or dress it down with jeans. The accessories must be specific to you too, tights or something if your more edgy, the style of boot, etc.. Or are you a dress kinda girl? floral prints, strappy sandals? or are you a low cut, cleavage shower? figure out what it is that you love on yourself and play it up. Specific style is a combination of what you like and what looks good on you with your own taste and touch added in. It will only evolve with time, and get updated as trends change but your personal style will never change.

3) Love it, Live it, Own it- If you think it looks good on you, it does. When you look good but don't feel 100% confident, others know it and thats when the haters, the jealousy, the meanness and the cattyness come out in others. But if you look good and feel confident you will fend off the haters and be a trend-setter. People may even copy you.

4)Spend some time on yourself. Spend an evening alone at home once a month when you try on different outfits, different looks. Think of what you wear as an ART. CREATIVITY.

When you have your style figured out, the rest falls into place. And maybe keeping up with the trends is your style (but how is that individual? I don't know) and if you can afford it, fine, but if it's not in your budget, just remember it does not have to be trendy to be fashionable, nor in fashion to be stylish. And just because everyone else is wearing it, doesn't mean it will be right for you. Personal style goes a much longer way and won't break the bank. EVER. Also, beware of trends and fashion, and name brands, besides breaking the bank and going out of style, they may suck your soul of any creativity and individuality you have.

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